“Wthinku Speedy Chats” free webinars are starting with Mark Millington!!!

A new era has begun in all sectors with the global effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are in a period where we need to minimize physical contact as much as possible. With this change, new concepts enter our lives such as “social distancing”, “staying home”, and the “new normal”. Another new reality is that face-to-face events are being replaced by online and virtual ones. Working styles have changed and will continue to change. 

In this webinar, we will focus on the challanges we are facing and its effect on Sales, especially in the luxury segment, in order to gain a new and unique perspective.

We will seek the answers to some questions like “What challenges will we face as we all start to go back to work?”, “What awaits us in the near and far future?”.

Wthinku Speedy Chat, as the name suggests, will be swift and to-the-point! Each event will take up to 30 minutes and give a clear message and answer some of your questions. 

If you want to join this webinar please fil-in the form below. We will send you a link via e-mail.

It is now time to share our experiences online!

Hope to see you in the event…

Date & Time: Jul 15, 2020 14:00 PM (BST)

Registration Form

    Please fill in this form if you would like to get notifications about us and “Wthinku Speedy Chats”.