Mark Millington is a L & D professional with over 20 years experience, gathered working with blue chip organizations around the world. He has thorough understanding of both the Premium Automotive and Luxury Marine Sectors, having worked with the leading manufacturers in both markets, and also their retail partners.
Filiz Arslan Nizam graduated as an environmental engineer and got her master’s degree from San Francisco State University with a thesis on strategic thinking and speed factor in management processes. Received her doctoral degree with high honor by her thesis on store brand communications in the retail sector from Yeditepe University.
Muge Gokdeniz is an HR Professional and ICF Certified Coach with proven experiences in career development, resume writing, designing and performing training programs for reputable companies in Turkey, the UK and Middle East countries.
As a Resume Writer, helps professionals get messages clearly, concisely and accurately and engage their target audience. Dedicated to delivering results and enhancing careers through professionally written CV/Resumes, bios, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles.
David Luigi Fuschi is a System Engineer who has a profession with a passion for teaching and learning by training and Project Management plus a natural attitude to teamwork.