SWOT analysis can be scaled from broad issues to those of limited scope. It can be used to address anything from questions of corporate strategy to individual career planning. This flexibility makes it a particularly practical tool for the trainer and one of the most effective training methods for getting learners engaged and thinking about the issues.
SWOT analysis is a very useful tool for understanding issues and making decisions in a variety of organizational applications. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats. The technique has its roots in industry-funded research performed by the Stanford Research Institute to find ways of improving corporate planning. Since then, it has been employed in a multitude of applications in organizations throughout the world. SWOT is a particularly useful tool for trainers.
SWOT analysis provides a framework for assessing almost any business issue. Therefore, its application in training is limited only by the imagination of the trainer. Facilitators usually use a 2 X 2 grid to show the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats identified by trainees. The technique is especially useful in analyzing six fundamental aspects: products, processes, customers, distribution, finance and administration. Analysis yields a picture of the positive and negative aspects of the issue in question. From this analysis, the trainer can elicit potential actions that could be used to correct problems or leverage identified strengths.
Let us summarize;
Strengths: Build, Maintain and Leverage
Strengths are assessed by analyzing fundamental issues that include competitive advantages, organizational capabilities, significant areas of experience or expertise, and advantages in price, value and quality. This analysis highlights the strong points of the organization. From there, action plans can be drawn up to build on these strengths, maintain them or leverage them.
Weaknesses: Remedy Or Exit
This part of the analysis identifies weaknesses so that ways can be found to eliminate or minimize them. Typical analysis focuses on issues, such as weaknesses in the organization’s value proposition, gaps in capabilities, lack of financial strength or problems with cash flow, the supply chain, morale, commitment or leadership.
Opportunities: Prioritize And Optimize
Opportunities analysis addresses where priorities should be set or how efforts might be redirected. Issues typically analyzed in this phase include market developments, competitor vulnerabilities, global influences, technological advance and potential partnerships.
Threats: Counter
The objective of the threats analysis is to identify and find ways to mitigate potential threats. Topics might include pending legislation, environmental issues, competitor intentions, market demand, technologies, obstacles to current plans, insurmountable weaknesses and economic issues.
SWOT analysis can be scaled from broad issues to those of limited scope. It can be used to address anything from questions of corporate strategy to individual career planning. This flexibility makes it a particularly practical tool for the trainer and one of the most effective training methods for getting learners engaged and thinking about the issues.
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